29 de novembro de 2009
22 de novembro de 2009
Unit 2 - Activity 2
Annotated Bibliography
From the research I conducted about online teaching techniques two articles highlight from Flute Morten Paulsen, that give us an insight teaching methods and techniques for computer-mediated-communication (CMC) and an overview of possible pedagogical CMC techniques.
In the first article, Morten Paulsen give an overview os pedagogical and possible pedagogical techniques for CMC.
In the second article the author addresses such important issues as methods, techniques and devices for CMC.
In the article "Preparing K-12 Teachers to Teach Online", Greg Kearsley and Robert Blomeyer, describe some of the issues associated with preparing school teachers to teach online. While the focus of the discussion is K-12, most of these issues also apply to higher education faculty and instructors in the training domain.
I enjoyed this article because it employs a simple and clear language that becomes easily understandable.
Here's another article that I found interesting because it gives us information how to manage teacher workload, focusing on aspects such as: time management, information management and technologies.
All the articles I found and spoke of online teacher workload, reported that the time spent by a online teacher is greater. One can almost say that an online course, the teacher is available 24 hours, 7 days a week. Here the time management is very important.
Another key aspect is the tools that the teacher has at is disposal. It should always be updated and know how to use them to improve the quality of the online course.
In this blog we can find a list of tools of Web 2.0. The author organized this list after and then we can see that in http://hubpages.com/hub/Education20 .
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